When using the
Nintendo DS Emulation News IRC Channel - Pjirc Java IRC Applet,
you also have the ability to use our very own forum smilies for
your irc chat session to enhance your chat experience. Below you
will see the smilies and their irc triggers for use in your
Nintendo DS Emulation News Java IRC Chat.
cool |
cyclops |
:D |
mad |
rolleyes |
:( |
:) |
stare |
:o |
:| |
:p |
;) |
When using the Chat window above, you can separate the window
from its embedded position and open it up as a stand alone window.
This will allow you to be free from the whole web page and also if
you want to maximise to your full screen desktop resolution. To do
this just click on the
button and again to return to a restored position.